Sky Greens A-Go-Gro Technology
Locally grown vegetables in Singapore currently constitute only 7% of local consumption. Demand for local vegetables exceeds supply. Singaporeans trust the quality, freshness and safety of local vegetables, grown using good agricultural practice under the supervision of the Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority of Singapore.
The A-Go-Gro vertical systems which are 9m in height (3 storeys), housed in protected-outdoor green houses, allow tropical leafy vegetables to be grown all year round at significantly higher yields (than traditional growing methods) that are safe, of high quality, fresh and delicious.
Space saving -The footprint of the vertical system is small but yet can produce significantly more per unit area than traditional farms. It can also be customized to suit different crop requirements and varying environments. Better ergonomics & automation The rotary system allows the troughs to be immediately adjusted for easy harvesting. Automation at the farm also means more productive workers per ton of vegetables produced.
Easy to install and easy to maintain – The modular A-frame rotary system allows quick installation and easy maintenance.
Consistent and reliable harvest – Steady supply of fresh leafy vegetables is assured as growing is done in a controlled environment. Year round production As the vertical farm structures are in protected-outdoor green houses, the vegetables are grown in a controlled environment, protected from pests, wind and floods.
Vegetables tastes good – Tropical leafy vegetables are grown in special soil-based media, which contribute to good tasting vegetables, suitable for stir-fry and soups. The vegetables are harvested everyday and delivered almost immediately to retail outlets to consumers.
Increases productivity – The production yield of Sky Greens Farm is 5 to 10 times more per unit area compared to other traditional farms growing leafy vegetables using conventional methods in Singapore.
Environmentally friendly high-tech farm – Sky Greens observes, learns and works with nature to achieve sustainability for the good of the environment and to grow safe, high quality and fresh vegetables using green technologies for consumers in Singapore.
Low energy usage – Outdoor green houses have abundant sunlight in the tropics. The A-Go-Gro system uses patented low carbon hydraulic green technology to power the rotation of the tower at very low energy costs, while still allowing the plants to get more than adequate sunlight.
Low water usage – As the troughs of plants rotate, it is irrigated using an innovative flooding method, using very little water. Water is also recycled and reused.
Waste & water management – Sustainable water management practices are utilized on the the farm. All organic wastes are composted at the farm to ensure the use of high quality and safe fertilizers.
Green technologies – Green technologies are stringently adopted at the farm to achieve the 3R (reduce, reuse and recycle).